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Italian Renaissance Art

Writing tools

Learning to Look (Taylor)
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A Short Guide to Writing about Art (Barnet)
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Writing about Art (Sayre)
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Writing Tools: Annotated Bibliographies


Citation Guides: Chicago Style

Chicago Manual of Style Online

Purdue OWL: Chicago Manual

Citing Images

How to cite works of art and museum wall text:

1. Citing works of art

2. To cite wall text, exhibition labels, or other didactic information, use these examples as a guide:

  • Wall text:
    • As a footnote: Wall text, Name of Exhibition, Name of Museum, Museum Location, Dates
      • example: Wall text, Splendore a Venezia, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, QC, October 12, 2013-January 19, 2014.
    • In your bibliography: Name of Museum. Wall text, Name of Exhibition, Museum Location, Date.
      • example: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Wall text, Splendore a Venezia, Montreal, QC, October 12, 2013-January 19, 2014.
  • Museum label:
    • As a footnote: Museum label for Artist Name, Title of Artwork, Name of Museum, Museum Location, Date
      • example: Museum label for Lorenzo Lotto, Venus and Cupid, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, 2014
    • In your bibliography: Name of Museum. Museum label for Artist Name, Title of Artwork, Museum Location, Date. [Optional: include name of exhibition or other relevant information]
      • example: Metropolitan Museum of Art. Museum label for Lorenzo Lotto, Venus and Cupid, New York, NY, 2014.

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