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Indigenous Studies

A research guide for finding high-quality resources about Indigenous topics

Keyword Search Strategy

Combine keywords relating to the concept of Indigenous identity with OR to get results with at least one of these terms:

"first Nations" OR indigenous OR aboriginal OR native OR inuit OR metis

Combine keywords about your topic AND keywords relating to the concept of Indigenous identity. For example:

"first nations" OR indigenous OR aboriginal OR native OR inuit OR metis


education OR school


Sofia Discovery tool | SEARCH McGILL RESOURCES (excluding journal articles)


Search the Sofia Discovery tool for McGill's collection of resources, EXCLUDING journal articles: books, journals & articles, multimedia, and other resources, in both print or electronic format.

Books on Indigenous Topics

The books below along with many other books on Indigenous topics can be found online and in print through the catalogue.

Interlibrary Loan

If you need a book that's not available through the catalogue, please submit an interlibrary loan request using the interlibrary loan service. 

Liaison Librarian

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Nikki Tummon
Humanities and Social Sciences Library RM-27A

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