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Country reports
- Economist Intelligence Unit - Country Reports
Analysis and forecasts of political, economic and business environments in more than 180 countries.
- IMF World Economic Outlook & Regional Economic Outlook
Economic forecasts at the global and regional level. Set content type = book.
- MarketLine Advantage
PEST/LE reports (political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental) for over 100 countries.
- Passport GMID
Focus on consumer products and services.
To view country reports and analysis, browse by Economies, then choose Business Dynamics, Economy, Finance and Trade, Industrial, or Natural Resources. Use Analysis Finder to select the geography/country you are interested in.
- World Factbook
Comprehensive reports on over 250 countries. Includes comparison listing for many data fields. Published by the CIA.
Topical reports and resources by country
- World Bank - Content by Regions
Choose a region or country to see all relevant World Bank content.
Use filters on right to focus on relevant content (ex topic = energy).
- GREENR - World Map
Choose a country to locate it on the map, then click on the country pin to access a portal to all GREENR content related to that country.