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FSCI 500 Science Communication and Outreach

Guide to support your coursework

Newspapers and magazines

Visit our full newspapers subject guide. It has comprehensive information on finding current and historical newspapers.


This is a great place to go to find full current newspapers and magazines from around the world.

ProQuest Newsstream Databases

Search the contents of newspapers in one of these ProQuest databases:

Alternative Press

Current Indigenous Newspapers and Media

E-News Services

Indigenous resources

  • Elements of Indigenous Style - This guide contains: A historical overview of the portrayal of Indigenous peoples in literature; Common errors and how to avoid them when writing about Indigenous peoples; Guidance on working in a culturally sensitive way; A discussion of problematic and preferred terminology; Suggestions for editorial guidelines. The author, Gregory Younging, is a member of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation in Northern Manitoba.
  • Indigenous Studies Subject Guide - A research guide for finding high-quality resources about Indigenous topics. Includes information on finding Indigenous Perspectives.
  • NDN - NDN Collective is an Indigenous-led organization dedicated to building Indigenous power. 


McGill Library guides

Media searches

Data resources

Visit the Numeric Data guide and our Maps and Geospatial Data guide.

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