Each tab contains useful information and links for students, faculty, and researchers.
Should you have any questions about the library and the services we offer or if you need research help, please feel free to contact me.
You can also browse the shelves at the following call numbers:
HD 1401-2210: Agriculture, including:HD 1470-1476: Size of farms
HD 1478: Sharecropping
HD 1491-1491.5: Cooperative agriculture
HD 1492-1492.5: Collective farms
SF 91: Housing and environmental control
SF 92: Equipment and supplies
SF 94.5-99: Feeds and feeding. Animal nutrition
SF 105-109: Breeding and breeds
SF 111-113: Cost, yield, and profit. Accounting
SF 191-275: Cattle
SF 277-360.4: Horses
SF 371-379: Sheep. Wool
SF 380-388: Goats
SF 391-397.83: Swine
SF 481-507: Poultry. Eggs
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