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Nursing: Evidence Pyramid Module

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Module 5: Evidence Pyramid Module (STEPS 2 & 3)

Watch videos 1 & 2 to complete this module. The module will take approx. 30 mins to complete, not including additional readings.

Bonus: Watch video 3 in order to deepen your understanding of the many types of knowledge synthesis.

Video 1: Understanding the combined evidence pyramid: knowledge synthesis and critical appraisal (25:06 mins)

Key learning outcomes: watching this video will help you understand the two basic concepts that make up the combined evidence pyramid: knowledge synthesis and critical appraisal.

Video 2: The Hierarchy of evidence (5:29 mins)

Key learning outcomes: watching this video will help you understand the hierarchical organization of clinical research evidence.

Important: you must watch videos 1 & 2 in order to complete the Evidence Pyramids Module.

Readings & Resources:

More information:

Circle of seven arrows illustrating the 7-step Evidence Based Practice (EBP) model. The arrows form a circle around the image of three male human icons side by side and slightly overlapping. Black on a white ground. The first arrow at the top is pink and represents step 0: Cultivating curiosity.  The second arrow towards the right is orange and represents step 1: Asking answerable questions.  The third arrow is yellow and represents step 2: Searching the evidence. This level is highlighted. The fourth arrow is grey and represents step 3: Appraising the evidence. This level is also highlighted. The fifth arrow is greyed out and represents step 4: Integrating evidence into practice.  The sixth arrow is greyed out and represents step 5: Evaluating practice change. The seventh and last arrow is greyed out and represents step 6: Disseminating results of evaluation.




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Sabine Calleja
Schulich Library of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Engineering
Subjects: Nursing

Content authors

Please note: While this guide is managed by Sabine Calleja the contents of the guide were developed by Francesca Frati in collaboration with nursing faculty at the Ingram School of Nursing:  Jodi Tuck, with input from other nursing faculty members.

Click to Select Another Type of Evidence

Systems is the top level of the 6s pyramid. Example: evidence-based clinical information system. This level of the pyramid is grey on the image being described.
Summaries are the second level from the top of the 6s pyramid. Examples: practice guideline, evidence summary. This level of the pyramid is yellow on the image being described.
Synopses of syntheses are the third level from the top of the 6s pyramid. Example: pre-appraised systematic review. This level of the pyramid is pale red on the image being described.
Syntheses are the fourth level from the top of the 6s pyramid. Example: systematic review. This level of the pyramid is pink on the image being described.
Synopses of single studies are the second level from the bottom of the 6s pyramid. Example: pre-appraised single study. This level of the pyramid is blue on the image being described.
Single studies is the bottom level of the 6s pyramid. Example: randommized controlled trial, cohort study. This level of the pyramid is green on the image being described.

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