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Open Research

Outlines resources and strategies to make one's research, data, and publications open.

What, why, how


What is open research?

"a collection of actions designed to make scientific processes more transparent and results more accessible" 

(Spellman, B., Gilbert, E. A., & Corker, K. S., 2018)

Why should I care about making my research open?

Table: Open research practices and the career benefits they confer. Definitions are lifted from [43]

Open Research Practice Advantages
Open Access
  • Higher citation rates and improves the speed and breadth of dissemination of scholarly outputs [4445]
Open Data
  • Facilitates collaboration [46]
  • increases efficiency and sustainability [47]
  • Published papers linked with open data and/or materials are associated with a higher citation rate on average [234548]
  • When published with a digital object identifier (DOI), open data and/or materials can be a citable publication [49]; synthetic datasets can help cross-validate analysis and improve reproducibility of analysis workflows [50]
  • Wider, faster, and cheaper dissemination of research [52]
  • Greater opportunity for feedback outside of formal peer-review [24]
  • Posting a manuscript as a preprint before formal publication can increase citations and impact [5354]
  • improves chances of publication in journals with high impact factors [55]
Open methods/pregistration
  • Boost a researcher’s reputation [56]
  • Preventative measure against post-hoc critique (i.e., CARKing—critiquing after the results are known) during peer-review [395758]
  • Prospective registration of a study design can be a citable publication
  • Comply with submissions guidelines set by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
Registered reports
  • Guaranteed publication regardless of study results, providing the registered protocol and/or analysis is followed [59]
  • Reduces CARKing [395758]
  • Cited at comparable or slightly higher levels than conventional peer-reviewed articles [60]
  • Stage one peer-review provides additional peer-review feedback


Further reading

Boyle, Neasa, Centeno, Eduarda, Dierkes, Jens, Heyard, Rachel, Kao, Joyce, Lakshminarayanan, Harini, Pöschel, Franz, & Seibold, Heidi. (2023). Open Science: Principles and Practices. Zenodo. 

Kathawalla, U. K., Silverstein, P., & Syed, M. (2021). Easing into open science: A guide for graduate students and their advisors. Collabra: Psychology7(1).

Kowalczyk, O.S., Lautarescu, A., Blok, E. et al. (2022) What senior academics can do to support reproducible and open research: a short, three-step guideBMC Research Notes 15 (116).

Pownall, M., Azevedo, F., König, L. M., Slack, H. R., Evans, T. R., Flack, Z., … F. (2022, April 8). The impact of open and reproducible scholarship on students’ scientific literacy, engagement, and attitudes towards science: A review and synthesis of the evidence. (preprint)

Spellman, B., Gilbert, E. A., & Corker, K. S. (2017, April 18). Open Science: What, Why, and How


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