Here are the shopping centres listed in your Mall Assignment description:
When collecting background information about malls and the retail industry, there are many different sources you can use.
Things to know about Industry Research:
Search Tips:
Below are a few keywords you can use in the industry databases to get you started
Newspaper and Journal Articles
Industry Research
Industry/category reports, trends and demographic information for consumer-related products and services. (International)
License information can be found here: License Terms of Use
Consumer Research
Business-related statistics from a wide range of sources. (International). Off-campus access works best via VPN.
Go a bit further and explore the reports on the local retail industry via the local retail associations.
You can use the Simply Analytics database to create a demographic profile for your mall's consumers. When launching SimplyAnalytics, you can create an account with your McGill email in order to save your work as you go.
In Simply Analytics:
Useful Codes for searching in SimplyAnalytics:
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