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Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice Appraise Module

Generic appraisal tools

Even studies published in high impact journals can be poorly done. Authors can reach conclusions not supported by the data. Studies can be biased- did the authors do anything to mitigate this?

You need to assess whether the study is relevant to your patients and your context.

Critical appraisal is a systematic way of assessing the quality and relevance of a given research article.

  • Focus is on the methodology section instead of abstract/conclusion.
  • Is study well conducted/reported?
  • What are the limitations? i.e. small sample size, not randomized etc.
  • Is bias likely?
  • Are the results relevant to your patient(s)/practice/environment?
  • Different criteria are used for different study types.

Contact the nursing liaison librarian

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Sabine Calleja
Schulich Library of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Engineering
Subjects: Nursing

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