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Iberian Studies

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You can also search Latino Literature, which brings together more than 100,000 pages pages of poetry, fiction, and over 450 plays written in English and Spanish by hundreds of Chicano, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican, and other Latino authors working in the United States.

Search Tips

The Basic Search is the default search for the McGill Library WorldCat homepage.

  • To retrieve search results for a word with multiple endings, use the root with an asterix; for example, vote* will retrieve research related to vote, votes, and voting.
  • To search an exact phrase, use quotation marks; for example, "liberal party of canada".
  • To narrow a broad topic, use AND between keywords; for example, "elections" AND Canada.
  • To broaden a research topic, use OR to search for terms that denote similar concepts; for example, (voting OR elections AND Canada.

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