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MECH 201 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

Search the Sofia Discovery tool


Search the Sofia Discovery tool for McGill's collection of resources: books, journals & articles, multimedia, and other resources, in both print or electronic format.

Tips for finding books

Use the Sofia Discovery tool (the library catalogue) to find books. For example:

  • Do a keyword search: mobile robots
  • Click on "Books" from the left-hand side of the screen to limit your results to books.
  • Find a good book, e.g. Introduction to autonomous mobile robots, and click on the title. Click on "View description" and you will see a subject heading listed in the LC subject field: Autonomous robots.
  • Click on the subject heading link to retrieve more books about that subject.

Search tips

Truncation symbol: * e.g. mobil* will retrieve catalogue records containing the words mobile, mobility, mobilize, mobilise, mobilization, mobilisation, etc.
Phrase searching: "___" e.g. "mobile robots" will retrieve catalogue records containing the phrase mobile robots
Boolean operators: (), AND, OR, NOT
default: AND
Boolean operators must be in capital letters
e.g. robots AND (mobile OR bipedal) will retrieve catalogue records containing the word robots AND either mobile OR bipedal

Locating a book by call number

You can locate a print book by call number by going to the Sofia Discovery tool and typing a specific call number in the search box. For example, typing nu: TL1097 I49 2006 in the search box will retrieve "Intelligence for space robotics". Please note that you can be precise or general when listing a call number (e.g. searching just nu: TL1097 will retrieve several books in that subject area).

Virtual browsing

Once you locate an ebook or print book of interest, you can browse the shelves virtually to find other books on similar topics. First, locate a book of interest by searching the Sofia Discovery tool using keywords and limiting to books from the options on the left-hand side of the results screen. Next, click on "Browse the shelf" where you will see neighboring books available in print and as ebooks. For example, books near to Intelligence for space robotics include Introduction to the mechanics of space robots and Space robotics.


Profile Photo
Tara Mawhinney
Schulich Library of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Engineering

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