A great number of books on computer science are available as e-books and can be accessed on the following platforms:
- IEEE Explore
E-books from IEEE and its partner publishers.
- IET Digital Library
Provides science, engineering, and technology e-books published by IET. McGill subscribed content is indicated with a purple lock.
- O'Reilly e-books (previously called Safari)
E-books published by various publishers, including O'Reilly.
- Science Direct
Provides e-books published by Elsevier. McGill subscriptions are indicated with a green box. Browse books in the field of computer science.
- SIAM e-books
E-books published by Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
- SPIE eBooks
Provides e-books published by SPIE Press, a major publisher of optics and photonics books.
- SpringerLink
E-books published by Springer, including Lecture Notes in Computer Science, a key collection for computer science students and faculty.
- Synthesis, now available on SpringerLink
E-books available from Morgan & Claypool on electrical engineering, computer technology, and information science, including Synthesis Lectures on Computer Science.
- Taylor & Francis eBooks
Provides books published by Taylor & Francis Group, including CRC Press and Routledge: AI and Machine Learning, COMPUTERSCIENCEnetBASE
- Wiley Online Library
E-books published by Wiley and its partner publishers, including computer science and other subjects.
- World Scientific
Complete e-book collection published in 2013 by World Scientific and titles in selected subjects published between 2005 and 2012.
Visit more e-book platforms on the E-book platforms (physical sciences and engineering topics) guide.