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Use the Library Catalogue WorldCat to find books and media on your chosen research topic and use Business Source Complete and ABI/Inform (ProQuest) to find scholarly articles in the business field.
Boolean Operators
Operator | Description |
AND | Use to narrow your search: Climate AND Change |
OR | Use to expand your search: Climate OR Environment |
NOT | Use to exclude a search term: Climate NOT Change |
( ) | Use for nesting a query within a search: (Climate OR environment) AND Change |
" " | Use to enclose specific phrases: "climate change" |
Wildcards, Truncation, and Date Limiters
Symbol | Description |
? | Use to replace a character in a word: Behavio?r |
* | Use to retrieve variants of a root word: Sustain* |
< / > | Use to search before or after a publication year: >2010 |
- | Use to indicate a date range: 2010-2018 |
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