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MGCR 360 Social Context of Business

Finding Scholarly Resources

Use the Library Catalogue WorldCat to find books and media on your chosen research topic and use Business Source Complete and ABI/Inform (ProQuest) to find scholarly articles in the business field. 


Finding News

Forming a Search Strategy

Boolean Operators 

Operator Description
AND Use to narrow your search: Climate AND Change
OR Use to expand your search: Climate OR Environment
NOT Use to exclude a search term: Climate NOT Change
( ) Use for nesting a query within a search: (Climate OR environment) AND Change
"  " Use to enclose specific phrases: "climate change"


Wildcards, Truncation, and Date Limiters

Symbol  Description
? Use to replace a character in a word: Behavio?r
* Use to retrieve variants of a root word: Sustain*
< / > Use to search before or after a publication year: >2010
- Use to indicate a date range: 2010-2018

Searching Social Media

Below are some library resources that include social media content.


Finding Statistics and Government Information

Using Authoritative Sources

Authoritative Sources

  • Scholarly, peer-reviewed articles are considered authoritative.
  • Articles from major news outlets are considered authoritative.
  • But what about other kinds of information? You may also use books, interviews, data from government and non-governmental agencies and more. 
  • You need to evaluate whether the information you find is coming from an authoritative source.
    • What is the expertise of the source?
    • How accurate is the information?
      • Are sources of ideas and facts properly cited? Are they reliable?
    • Why was the information produced?
      • To entertain? To sell something? To advance a specific agenda?
    • How are you using the information?

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