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Islamic sources

Welcome - Merhaba - أهلا وسهلا - Hoşgeldiniz - خوش آمدید ! This guide focuses on the study of the sources of Islam: the Qur'an, and the Shari'a (Islamic Law). It is tailored to the courses offered by the McGill Institute of Islamic Studies.

English and French sources

Please note this guide focuses primarily on resources in Arabic. For more English and French language resources, you may consult the Nahum Gelber Law Library Islamic Law subject guide.


Academic Search Complete (Ebsco) offers access to scholarly and general interest sources in business, medicine, humanities, social sciences, and science and technology.

Al-Manhal eLibrary gives access to over 100,000 full-text searchable publications (books, peer-reviewed journals, strategic studies, academic dissertations and educational videos) from the Arab world’s leading publishers on a wide-variety of topics including Law.

Eastlaws is a database of legal sources originating from 18 Arab countries such as court rulings, commercial arbitrations, treaties and conventions, fatwas, etc. All documents are in Arabic with basic translation into English generated by Google Translate. Eastlaws includes a Legal Dictionary.

Hathi Trust Digital Library is a repository of content digitized from numerous academic & research institutions libraries. Founded in 2008, it currently offers a collection of over 18 millions titles.

Index Islamicus Online is a classified bibliography of publications in European languages on Islam and the Muslim world including more than 590,000 records.

JSTOR is a subject searchable index of journals on-line with JSTOR. Retrieves full-text back files of scholarly journals, some of which date back to the 1800's. Does not include articles more recent than five years ago.

ProQuest Research Library is a multidisciplinary database covering disciplines within the humanities and social sciences.

A selected list of databases pertinent to Islamic Studies is available here, and a complete list of databases accessible to McGill affiliated researchers is available here.



Available at McGill:

Open Access:

  • Dossiers is one of the many publications of Women living under Muslim Laws, an international solidarity network informing and supporting "women whose lives are shaped, conditioned or governed by laws and customs said to derive from Islam."
  • Electronic Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (EJIMEL) has been published by the Center for Islamic and Middle Eastern Legal Studies (CIMELS) at the Faculty of Law, University of Zurich, Switzerland, since 2012. EJIMEL aims at enabling "the discussion of legal issues as well as associated political, social, cultural and philosophical topics relating to the Middle East and Islamic world."
  • Manchester Journal of Islamic State Practices in International Law has been published since 2005 by an international team of Islamic Law scholars and practitioners.
  • Studia Islamica "is one of the oldest academic journals published in the field of Islamic studies. Published in Paris since 1953, it has been co-edited by A. L. Udovitch and Houari Touati since 2003." It focuses on the history, religion, law, literature and language of Islamic lands around the Mediterranean Sea and in south-west Asia, for both the pre-modern and modern periods.
  • Young Muslim Digest Magazine is a monthly blog-based magazine providing information on Islam derived from the Qur'an, the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace on him), legal decisions of jurists and opinions of pious scholars who represent the mainstream of the Muslim Ummah (community). Based in Bangalore, India, YMD has been published since 1976.

Open Access digital collections

Internet Archives started archiving the Internet in 1996, and later expanded to other material types. Currently, it provides free access to 735 billions webpages, 41 million books and textual materials, as well as millions of audio recordings, videos, images and software programs.

Islamic Heritage Project is a Harvard University digital collection of heritage texts from the 10th to 20th centuries covering a wide range of topics (religious texts & commentaries, history & geography, law, sciences, poetry & literature, rhetoric, logic & philosophy, calligraphy, dictionaries & grammar, biographies & autobiographies) in numerous languages.

Muftiships Web Archive is an Ivy League Plus Libraries Confederation project aiming at preserving legal websites from the Islamic world to follow "responses of local judicial authorities to current events", see how "these authorities engage with the public", and how "Islamic law is administered in the digital age."

SHARIAsource is a "portal into the digital world of Islamic legal studies and related tools from data science and AI" maintained by the Program in Islamic Law at Harvard Law School. is a private initiative offering an "online, authentic, searchable, and multilingual (English/Arabic at the individual hadith level) database of collections of hadith.


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