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A general overview or summary of a topic can help you obtain a deeper understanding of your subject. Books are one source of topic overviews. Search the Sofia Discovery catalogue to find books on your topic. If a book is only available in print, you may be able to find a digitized version on the HathiTrust Digital Library or the National Emergency Library (Internet Archive).
You can also search electronic book collections for topic overviews. Any of the following e-book collections will allow you to search for your topic within the chapters of hundreds of engineering textbooks and download relevant content:
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Excellence in Written Communication Award
All student papers from WCOM 206 (formerly CCOM 206) are eligible to win the Excellence in Written Communication Award, which is given out twice a year for exemplary papers. The award comes with a monetary prize of $500 from the Faculty of Engineering and permanent hosting of the prize-winning paper in the library’s institutional repository, eScholarship. The award has been granted to undergraduate students in Engineering since 2015. Check out the winners of the Excellence in Written Communication Award for examples of great papers written by students like yourselves.