Welcome! Use this page to find streaming sources for audio recordings and to locate online discographies.
Creating Naxos Music Library playlists: Video tutorial. Instructors can use the McGill Playlist creation guide for creating course-specific Naxos playlists. Please contact the Music Library staff for login credentials. Further information can be found on the Naxos website.
Troubleshooting: Note that clearing your browser cache often resolves issues related to playing selections on Naxos
Naxos Music Library Jazz App: Available for Apple or Android mobile devices. You must create a personal account prior to using the app.
Creating Naxos Music Library Jazz playlists: Video tutorial. Instructors can use the McGill Playlist creation guide for creating course-specific Naxos playlists. Please contact the Music Library staff for login credentials. Further information can be found on the Naxos website.
Troubleshooting: Note that clearing your browser cache often resolves issues related to playing selections on Naxos.
Creating Naxos Music Library World Playlists: Video tutorial. Instructors can use the McGill Playlist creation guide for creating course-specific Naxos playlists. Please contact the Music Library staff for login credentials. Further information can be found on the Naxos website.
Troubleshooting: Note that clearing your browser cache often resolves issues related to playing selections on Naxos.
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