A draft protocol is normally required for the initial meeting with a librarian:
A librarian will typically require 10 working days to develop a preliminary search strategy. The timeline may vary depending on the complexity of the research question. At later stages, further delays may occur depending on such factors as the number of databases considered necessary for the search, technical issues, or scheduling conflicts.
Delays in this process outside of the control of the librarian, such as delayed feedback from the research team and changes to the research question, can further affect the originally agreed upon timeline. In this event, it may be necessary for a new timeline to be agreed upon.
Typically, the process of delivering search results for a knowledge synthesis involves:
Following an initial consultation with the research team, review of the protocol and review of records already identified as relevant, within a typical time period of 10 working days, the librarian will:
Construct an initial exhaustive search strategy for one database
Send the strategy along with a sample of records from the search (typically the first 100) to the research team, for feedback
After receipt of the preliminary search strategy, the research team will:
Provide feedback on the strategy, indicating additional or unnecessary search terms
Indicate any articles of high relevancy identified in the initial sample of results
After receiving feedback from the research team, the librarian will:
Review the feedback and ask clarifying questions
Incorporate feedback into the search strategy as necessary
Return the revised search strategy to the research team for final approval
Please note: without feedback from the research team, the librarian will not be able to proceed with the search.
Following final approval of the search strategy, the librarian will:
Translate the search strategy to the other databases agreed upon previously, per the protocol
Provide a copy of each search strategy employed during the searching process
Provide the information necessary for the PRISMA Diagram and the methods section
Should a grey literature search be considered necessary, this would typically not be conducted by the librarian. However, the librarian can suggest suitable sources and provide guidance on how to search these sources; this may include the provision of suggested search strategies for individual resources.
None will be conducted by the librarian. However, the librarian can suggest suitable approaches.
None will be conducted by the librarian. However, the librarian can provide input into considerations when hand searching.
None will be conducted by the librarian.
PRISMA flow diagram: Upon agreement, the librarian will be responsible for recording the initial number of articles retrieved from each and all databases. The research team will be responsible for recording all other numbers.
Methods section: As a co-author, the librarian will provide input describing the search methodology for both the abstract and full text of the manuscript.
Review of the final manuscript: As a co-author, the librarian will be given the opportunity to provide final sign-off for the manuscript.
Given a knowledge synthesis may take many months, it is likely that any searches conducted by the librarian will need to be rerun in order to capture relevant articles published in the intervening period. The librarian will conduct these as necessary.
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