Profiles & persistent identifiers
Create your researcher profiles and persistent digital identifiers to be included in email signatures, webpages, grant applications, resumes, etc.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) - An ORCID will associate your research activities and outputs to you with a persistent ID (example ORCID for April). It is becoming the most prevalent identifier and is often requested by journal publishers. You do have to populate it but it has a wizard to help you grab information from sources, including Scopus.
Web of Science ResearcherID - Your Researcher Profile can be found by registering and logging in to Web of Science. Make your chosen name discoverable, add publications, peer review and journal editing to your profile, and sync with your ORCID. It displays citation metrics, including your h-index (example Author Profile for April). You can also register for a free Web of Science profile, if you do not have access to Web of Science products.
Scopus Author Identifier - Each author in Scopus is automatically assigned a unique number but you should check that your’s is up-to-date and that you do not have more than one identifier assigned to you. It displays citation metrics, including your h-index, and includes a visual author identifier (example author page for April).
Google Scholar Profiles - Citations automatically updates publications and citations from Google Scholar. It displays citation metrics, including your h-index (example profile for April). These metrics are often higher than found in other resources, but they are less transparent about how the counts are obtained.
Dimensions - Create an account and edit your Dimensions profile to link to your ORCID (example of April's profile).
Kudos - A science communication tool. Create a Kudos profile to describe and share your research outputs and view alternative metrics.
Create profiles on social networks: