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HIST 312: History of Consumption in Canada: Home

Research guide for HIST 312 (Fall 2023)

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Newspapers & Magazines

Newspapers and magazines are excellent places to find ads, and especially to see ads in context. The links below include places to find newspapers and magazines from across Canada. For a greater selection of Canadian newspapers, see the Newspapers Guide.

Find more periodicals in the Library Catalogue by searching for individual titles, or by searching Subject Headings. For example:

  • ti:The Canadian Queen
  • ti:Canadian Home Journal
  • su: Canadian periodicals
  • su: Women's periodicals, Canadian (English)

You can also limit on the lefthand side to "Journal, Magazine" or "Newspapers" for better results.

Gov Docs & Laws

Citing Canadian Government Documents

The Chicago Manual of Style offers only limited guidance on citing Canadian Government Documents. Refer instead to the excellent guide from the SFU Library linked below.


History as a discipline uses the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) for citations, and usually the Notes-Bibliography form. This requires creating properly formatted footnotes footnotes and a Bibliography for your assignments. Resources to understand the Chicago style of citations are included below.


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