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McGill Library
Film Studies
Film Studies
Bibliographies, Guides, Handbooks, Companions
Film Content Databases
Resources in Paper Copy
Streamed Film Collections
Bibliographies, Guides, Handbooks, Companions
Oxford Bibliographies Online
A good place to start. Lists of books, essays, articles on films, directors, film theory, and various aspects of film studies. Look under under subject : Cinema and Media Studies
Film Content Databases
FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals Database (ProQuest)
database of 400 international film and television periodicals from 1972 to present
Film and Television Literature Index (EBSCO)
over 600 international film and television journals from 1914 to present
Performing Arts Periodicals Database (ProQuest)
contains 395 international periodicals covering film, opera, dance , theater from 1864 to current
Film Index International (ProQuest)
produced by the British Film Institute - lists full credits to films and reviews/criticism
Communication and Mass Media Complete (EBSCO)
covers 24 film periodicals
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)
Humanities International Index (EBSCO)
includes14 film periodicals collectively covering 1984- to present
Humanities and Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson) (EBSCO)
includes 13 film periodicals collectively covering 1954-1983
Readers' Guide Retrospective:1890-1982 (H.W. Wilson)
reviews and articles in popular magazines
Resources in Paper Copy
Film Review Annual 1981-2002
reprints reviews from major newspapers and film periodicals
Selected Film Criticism 1896-1960. 7v.
an index to reviews in newspapers and periodicals - volume 6 covers foreign films 1930-50,
New York Times Film Reviews 1913-2000
reprints the complete film reviews in the NYT
Retrospective Index to Film Periodicals 1930-1971
Film Review Index 1882-1985 (2vols)
Index to Critical Film Reviews
Streamed Film Collections
films of all genres; classics and relatively recent features and documentaries.
Criterion On Demand
not to be confused with the high-quality Criterion Collection of films; first-run films with French subtitles
Films on Demand
large collection of instructional/documentary films and theatrical films (Shakespeare, other plays on film)
Drama Online (Bloomsbury)
includes live productions of the Royal Shakespeare Company and the "Shakespeare's Globe on Screen" series
NFB (National Film Board of Canada)
large collection of documentary films including those of foreign countries
Theatre in Video (Alexander Street)
hundreds of plays on film from Greek classics to modern period
Academic Video Online (Alexander Street)
over 60,000 videos covering all subjects
videos of Canadian content or produced by Canadian media/ filmmakers
Liaison Librarian
Lonnie Weatherby
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Humanities & Social Sciences Library-
Bibliothèque des sciences humaines et sociales
3459 McTavish
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 0C9
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