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Concept mapping: Build a concept map

Guide to building and using concept maps.

Steps to building a concept map

Steps to building a concept map

The videos will walk you through the steps to building a concept map. PDF alternatives are also available.

Take on a challenge by following one of the characters. Are you team astronaut, fortune teller, or artist? So far, team astronaut is in the lead with the most watched video, with the artist in second place. You can also learn about concept mapping by choosing the video/PDF without a particular character or challenge to overcome.

Once you have completed the tutorial, try out the concept mapping quiz!

Your mission, if you should choose to accept it, is to jump in and create a concept map on a topic and share it with the librarian. We love seeing your maps!


Watch the video on YouTube

Select the astronaut to explore a subject area with concept mapping. It is a great challenge to choose if you are near the beginning of your research. [3:45]

PDF alternative

Fortune teller

Watch the video on YouTube

Select the fortune teller to help you see the path ahead by gaining insight into your research if you are more experienced. [3:08]

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Watch the video on YouTube

Click on the artist to use concept mapping to show off your work when it is time to communicate your research. [3:17]

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No character

Watch the video on YouTube

Continue on to learn about concept mapping without a particular challenge to overcome. [3:21]

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