The monograph (a specialist book) is the primary means of scholarly communication in history as a discipline. Search the Sofia Discovery tool for McGill's collection of resources including books and eBooks.
You can search using words like - Canada, Quebec, hist*, etc.
Search tips for the library catalogue:
Truncation symbol: |
* |
e.g., hist* will retrieve catalogue records containing the words history, historical, historically, histoire, etc. |
Phrase searching: |
"___" |
e.g., "fur trade" will retrieve catalogue records containing the phrase fur trade |
Boolean operators: |
(...), AND, OR, NOT
default: AND |
e.g., religion AND (Ontario OR "Canadian Confederation") will retrieve catalogue records containing the word religion AND either Ontario OR Canadian Confederation |
Subject headings: |
su:(___) |
e.g., su:(Quebec (Province) History) will retrieve catalogue records assigned this subject heading |