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HIST 298: Early Modern Empires

Course guide for HIST 298, Summer 2024 (topic: Early Modern Empires)

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Interested in finding a travel narrative about a specific location published during the early modern period? Try one of these methods:

By keyword:
  • Search the catalogue by combining the following keywords: (1) the location or empire you are interested in, (2) terms indicating travel writing, and (3) a term indicating the time period if necessary. Examples:
  • China AND ("travel writing" OR "travel narrative*) AND "early modern"
  • Mughal AND ("travel writing" OR travel narrative*)
  • Note that: Not all of the results will be primary sources! Be sure to critically assess if a result is a primary source.
By subject:
  • Subject headings use the phrase "description and travel" to indicate travel narratives and travel books. Try searching for a travel narrative by combining the location you are interested in with the phrase "description and travel" and searching only in the subject field using su: Examples:
  • su: Turkey "description and travel"
  • su: China "description and travel"
  • Further tip: most results will not be focused on the early modern period! Consider filtering by publication year, or sorting results from oldest to newest (both features available on the lefthand side of the catalogue).

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History as a discipline uses the Chicago Manual of Style (18th edition) for citations, and usually the Notes-Bibliography form. This requires creating properly formatted footnotes footnotes and a Bibliography for your assignments. Resources to understand the Chicago style of citations are included below.

Note: Chicago Manual of Style updated to the 18th edition in September 2024.


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