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Nursing: Evidence-Informed Practice Ask Module

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Module 1: Ask an answerable question (Step 1)

Complete this module to learn how to ask questions more clearly to improve your search results. The module will take approx. 30 mins to complete, not including additional readings.

Video 1: Background versus foreground questions (19:07 mins)

Key learning outcomes: watching this video will help you understand different types of questions, where to look for answers and how to recognize the best information to answer your questions.

Video 2: Asking answerable questions (14:08 mins)

Key learning outcomes: watching this video will help you ask questions more clearly so you can find the information you need.

Voir aussi : Définir son sujet de recherche (vidéo 5:46 mins)

Important: you must watch both videos in order to complete the Ask Module.

Circle of seven arrows illustrating the 7-step Evidence Based Practice (EBP) model. The arrows form a circle around the image of three male human icons side by side and slightly overlapping. Black on a white ground. The first arrow at the top is pink and represents step 0: Cultivating curiosity. The second arrow towards the right is orange and represents step 1: Asking answerable questions. This level is highlighted. The third arrow is greyed out and represents step 2: Searching the evidence. The fourth arrow is greyed out and represents step 3: Appraising the evidence. The fifth arrow is greyed out and represents step 4: Integrating evidence into practice. The sixth arrow is greyed out and represents step 5: Evaluating practice change. The seventh and last arrow is greyed out and represents step 6: Disseminating results of evaluation.


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Sabine Calleja
Schulich Library of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Engineering
Subjects: Nursing

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