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BIOL 311 Advanced Methods in Organismal Biology

Using AI in your research

Student responsibilities

The McGill Subcommittee on Teaching and Learning AI Working Group Recommendations state that "Students remain responsible for maintaining academic rigour. This involves both verifying the accuracy of information generated and acknowledging the use of generative AI tools, if applicable. Students are responsible for informing themselves about and complying with instructors' explicit expectations and must respect limits established about the use of generative AI tools in assessment tasks." (p.4)

So should you use ChatGPT?

Use this simple algorithm to decide whether or not it is appropriate to use ChatGPT in your research.Is it safe to use ChatGPT for your task?

"Is it safe to use ChatGPT for your task?" by Aleksander Tiulkanov, licensed under CC BY

Additional resources

The Artificial Intelligence Guide has great information that will help you:


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