Source 3: A peer-reviewed publication of a historian
Academic historians typically publish their research in two forms: (1) scholarly books called monographs, and (2) articles in peer-reviewed journals.
TIP! After locating a book or article, search for the author to ensure they are a historian, and not working from another discipline.
Find a scholarly monograph
A scholarly monograph is a single-authored book usually published by an academic or university press (such as Oxford University Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, or Routledge). Scholarly monographs are peer reviewed, meaning that other historians read the book before it was published to offer suggestions and corrections.
The best place to look for books or eBooks is the Library Catalogue. Try using quotation marks for exact phrase searching and combining keywords using the Boolean operator AND.
"Berlin Wall" AND politics
Other tips:
- Filter your search by format to Book to exclude irrelevant results
- Do not search for 1989, as this will bring up many irrelevant results (such as a well-known album by this name)
- Look out for related terms -- the catalogue may automatically include irrelevant (or useful!) related terms
Find a peer-reviewed article
Scholarly articles appear in academic journals and have undergone a process called peer review. They consist of original research and are intended to be read by students, scholars, and researchers. The best place to look for peer-reviewed articles are in specialized databases that you have access to via library subscriptions. These databases index articles on specific topics, which you can then access through the McGill Library.
- Always use the Advanced Search option
- Search in Abstract (preferred), Anything But Full Text (NOFT - not always an option), or Subject Terms rather than full text
- Limit to peer-reviewed
- Consider limiting by language and publication date
Historical Abstracts (EBSCO) - This link opens in a new window
This database contains references to journal articles, book reviews and some dissertations about the history of all parts of the world from 1450 on, EXCLUDING Canada and the United States.
America: History and Life (EBSCO) - This link opens in a new window
Provides historical coverage of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present. Includes information abstracted from over 2,000 journals published worldwide.