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Russian and Soviet History

Research guide for sources in Russian/Soviet history

Primary Sources

What are primary sources?

Primary sources are original documents and objects created at the time being studied, such as diaries, newspaper accounts, letters, governmental records, or drawings. Any record that documents a past event can be considered a primary source.

Where can I find primary sources? 

You can find primary sources in libraries, museums, and archives, including McGill's Rare Books and Special Collections Library (located on the 4th floor of the McLennan Library building). You can also find digitized primary sources online in library databases, such as those linked below, as well as in digitized collections, such as McGill's Digital Exhibitions & Collections.

What's included here?

This guide focuses on sources related to Russian and Soviet history available either originally in English or as an English translation. Some Russian sources are also included further down. For Russian literature, see the Russian Literature & Languages Subject Guide.

Finally, for more English-language sources, see the extensive guide Primary Sources for the Study of Soviet History created by Terry Martin for Harvard University. Items that are not available at the McGill Library can be requested through ILL.

Books and eBooks

These are examples of some of the reprinted primary sources available in English to McGill Library users. To find more, try searching the catalogue including the keyword "sources", for example: Soviet Union History Sources. Using the filters on the lefthand side, you can limit your results to English only, eBooks/physical books, etc.

Autobiographies and Memoirs

Digital Collections

General Resources

Late Imperial Period

Early 20th Century

WWII and Cold War

Post-Cold War and the Fall of the Soviet Union


McGill Rare Books & Special Collections

Original Language Primary Sources

For more comprehensive listings of original language primary sources, see the Russian Literature & Languages Subject Guide.

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