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ENVB 222 St. Lawrence Ecosystems

Looking for articles?

Looking for articles? Start with these: 

  • CAB Abstracts (subject-specific): 1973 to the present
    A bibliographic database that covers research and literature in the fields of agriculture, forestry, human health, nutrition, animal health, and resource management and conservation.
  • Scopus or Web of Science
    Large multidisciplinary science and social sciences databases that are capable of backward and forward citation linking and include citation counts. They also offers author profiles with affiliations, publication number and bibliographic data.
  • Proquest Central
    Another large multidisciplinary database that includes journal articles, but also newspapers, magazines, working papers, case studies and market reports. 

Can't find what you're looking for? Contact me!

What about Google Scholar?

  • Easy to use
  • Very broad coverage, including grey literature (conference papers/abstracts, these, etc.)
  • Shows citation information (“cited by”)
  • Auto-correct
  • Will try to find full-text links
  • Results can be linked to the library collection
  • Not all articles are available in Google Scholar (despite what we might think!)
  • Lack of transparency: no information on which publishers and publications are included (some, like EBSCO and OVID, do not allow Google to search their databases)
  • Incorrect references and citations
  • Not all scholarly, so questionable authority
  • May ask you to pay for an article (if that’s the case, email me! We most likely have it through the library)
  • Limited search capabilities and very large result sets make precision searching impossible
    • No subject headings
    • Limited sorting and filtering options
    • Algorithm-based (takes the control out of the searcher's hands)

How-to videos

This section includes 4 short videos that explain the basic search process, from how to find a database related to your field to how to create more complex search queries. A written summary is given next to each video. If you need help with your research, don't hesitate to contact your liaison librarian, she is there to help!

This video will show you how to locate and access databases using McGill's catalogue, Databases A-Z and the subject guides.

1. Formulate a specific research question.
For example, "Which methods of biological control are effective on invasive ladybug species?"

2. Identify the main concepts.
In our question, the main concepts would be "biological control", "invasive" and "ladybug".

3. Brainstorm synonyms and related terms for each of your concepts. For "ladybug", we could have "coccinellidae", "ladybird" and "lady beetle".

It’s important to find related terms to obtain more relevant results. If we search only “ladybug”, we may miss articles that are relevant but that have used a different term instead, like “ladybird”.

Boolean operators are used to narrow or broaden your search.

AND: results include all keywords (used to narrow a search)
Example: bee AND neonicotinoids AND monsanto
Search results will contain all three terms.

OR: results include any or all keywords (used to broaden a search)
Example: ladybug OR ladybird
Search results will contain any of these terms.

NOT: results ignore a keyword (used to narrow a search)
Example: Turkey NOT Thanksgiving
Search results will exclude articles containing Thanksgiving.

Truncation (*): used to search variations on a word stem.
Example: Canad*
Search results will include Canada, Canadian, Canadians.
Be careful with truncation as it may yield results that contain unrelated words. Example: leg*
Search results will include leg, legs, legging, legal, legalized, etc.

Phrase searching (“”): used to search for an exact phrase or a concept containing more than one word.
Example: “climate change”
Search results will include the exact phrase, with the keywords next to each other and in the order they are typed.
Climate change (without quotation marks) will be searched as separate keywords.

Parentheses (): used to control the order in which Boolean operators are resolved. Operations within parentheses are resolved first followed by those outside the parentheses.

Reading journal articles efficiently

Remember: you don't have to read an article in order! I normally recommend to start with the title and abstract to determine if an article seems relevant. If so, then read the introduction and the discussion (this is the "what does it all means" section), then go back to the methodology and results. The methodology and results sections can be really dense and difficult to read so keep them last. 

How to read scientific papers

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