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This guide focuses on transformation and cleaning functions in R that are especially useful for working with tabular datasets.

Selecting (Keeping) Variables and Selecting Observations

To select certain variables (for example. AGEGRP, TOTINC & WEIGHT). We create a new vector called myvars and then assign a subset data frame using myvars.


myvars <- c(“AGEGRP”, “TOTINC”, “WEIGHT”)
new_data_frame <- df[myvars]

Other Methods

There is another method to subset variables based on index. Suppose we wish to select 1st and 5th thru 10th variables.


Selecting the first 5 observations.


Selecting first 5 observations and first 3 variables.


Finally, let’s try creating a new data frame with FEMALES (SEX = 1) earning more than 35000

# sub-setting based on values of variables


External resource for subsetting in R:

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