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Open Access Week: 2022 Events Calendar

Open Access week brings the scholarly community together in the hopes of making Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research.



Redpath Book Display: In conjunction with International Open Access Week 2022, which focuses on Climate Justice, McGill Library will host a physical and virtual display starting the week of October 24, featuring books, films, and music that grapple with the inequities surrounding the climate crisis. 

Oct. 24
 Oct. 25
 Oct. 26
 Oct. 27
 Oct. 28

Nothing yet

Making your work open access:(psst: it doesn’t have to cost money)

Online via zoom -

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This presentation will review how researchers can make their work open access and campus resources to help. 

Associated branch: Humanities & Social Sciences Library

Film Screening: Paywall: The Business of Scholarship


Innovation Commons

McLennan-Redpath Library Complex



Comment écrire un plan de gestion de données


enligne - zoom

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Cet atelier va présenter des conseils pratiques et des exemples sur comment écrire un plan de gestion de données pour les demandes de subventions, les journaux et autres organisations. Vous serez introduit à l’outil en ligne Assistant PGD Portage qui possède des modèles adaptés au contexte de la recherche canadienne. Vous aurez aussi la chance d’aborder des questions, spécifiques à votre discipline, liées à la gestion des données utilisées au cours de la recherche et à l’archivage long-terme de celles-ci.   

Cet atelier est ouvert au public. Il est offert en français en collaboration avec le CHU Sainte-Justine.

Nothing yet


How to make your data FAIR


Online via zoom

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This session will cover best practices for making research data FAIR, a requirement that is now commonly mandated by funding agencies and many scholarly journals. The principles of transparency, reusability, and reproducibility will also be discussed. Participants will learn about depositing data in trustworthy repositories, license options for data, and community norms related to the availability of research data as it relates to the FAIR principles.



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