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Akers, Sarkozy, Wu and Slyman (2016)
This section is meant to help Liaison Librarians at McGill University become more familiar and comfortable with supporting their faculty and students with questions regarding ORCID iD.
Note: this page is still being compiled and will include two additional sections :
If you have any suggestions on ORCID iD training materials, tutorials, videos, etc., please do not hesitate to communicate with Robin Desmeules, Coordinator, Scholarly Communications.
Here are some first steps in supporting the faculty in your assigned liaison areas:
These three simple steps help you lead by example and will make you more confortable talking about ORCID iD with your researchers and graduate students.
Craft, A. R. (2020). Electronic resources forum - managing researcher identity: tools for researchers and librarians. Serials Review, 46(1), 44–49. https://doi.org/10.1080/00987913.2020.172089. Access via the Sofia Catalogue.
Akers, K. G., Sarkozy, A., Wu, W., & Slyman, A. (2016). Orcid author identifiers: a primer for librarians. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 35(2), 135–144. https://doi.org/10.1080/02763869.2016.1152139. Access via the Sofia Catalogue.
Rosenzweig, M., & Schnitzer, A. E. (2015). An initiative to address name ambiguity: implementing orcid at a large academic institution. College & Research Libraries News, 76(5), 260–264. https://doi.org/10.5860/crln.76.5.9312. Access via the Sofia Catalogue.
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