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Core periodical indexes
- All Canadian Legal Literature Indexes Canadian legal literature indexes available on Lexis Advance Quicklaw (Canadian Law Symposia Index, Index to Canadian Legal Literature for Book Reviews, Journals and Texts)
- Doctrinal Plus, 1993 - Accès aux notices bibliographiques d'articles de revues, de la jurisprudence française et européenne, et de la législation française et de l'Union européenne
- Index to Canadian Legal Literature - Journals and Texts A subset of The Index to Canadian Legal Literature containing an index of articles published in Canadian legal journals via Lexis Advance QuickLaw
- Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals, 1985 - A subject index covering international and comparative law periodicals as well as collections of essays produced by the Berkeley Law Library.
- Index to Legal Periodicals & Books Full-Text, 1982 - Index of scholarly articles, symposia, court decisions, books, book reviews published in legal journals, law reviews, yearbooks, institutes, statutes, bar association publications and university publications.
- LegalTrac, 1980 - Index of major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, Bar Association journals and international legal journals, including more than 250 titles in full text.
- E-journals available at McGill Listing of McGill-subscribed electronic journals (search or browse by title).
Resource Key
- McGill users only
- Open access resource
- Free resource
- In-library-use only
- Catalogue record