This guide is part infokit, with advice and best practices from the literature, and part toolkit, with links to a number of technologies to explore. It is divided into three sections: 1) Strategies, 2) Technologies and 2) Bibliography.
Strategies is further divided, with an overview for engaging with learning theories, designing for e-learning with the principles of universal design, strategies for building games or gamifying course offerings, and best practices for building community and implementing different technologies.
The technologies section covers: learning environments, learning objects, activities, gaming, and building community. The tools were selected to potentially enhance synchronous teaching, asynchronous teaching or blended classrooms. The focus is on open or freely available tools but whenever a cost is involved it is indicated. McGill supported technologies are also marked with a small crest so that they can be easily identifiable.
Literature citations are included along the way but there is also a full bibliography of works consulted, with relevant MOOCs, podcasts and blogs to explore, along with books and articles.
I created this guide to support my own e-learning initiatives but I hope that it will be of use to other librarians and educators. It is a work in progress and I welcome advice from the community. Please share your feedback and resource suggestions with me via email.
The e-Learning kit was peer reviewed in MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching). It was identified as having high potential as a web-based teaching and learning resource. A selection of resources was also described in a peer-reviewed webliography.
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